Origins Hemp and CBD is a CBD Store in Kirksville, MO 63501

Welcome to Origins Hemp and CBD, your premier CBD store in Kirksville, MO. We opened this business in July 2019 to offer people a more natural option to remedy a variety of ailments. We believe in educating people about the benefits of hemp and hemp-derived CBD. Our friendly staff is here to address any questions you may have about our products. We are experts on the best ways to use CBD, even if it is just relaxation you are after.

Some of the products we offer include:

At Origins Hemp and CBD, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service, and we are always happy to help you find the best products. We are here to embrace the change and healing properties of CBD, so visit us today at Origins Hemp and CBD!

If you are a Missouri resident interested in pursuing medicating with cannabis, we offer monthly in-store medical marijuana certifications in cooperation with Kindway Consultations, LLC.

Kindway Consultations, LLC Columbia, MO 1-573-355-7609

What Makes Us Proud
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • High-Quality Hemp and CBD Products Offered
  • Knowledgeable and Professional Staff
Locations Served
  • Kirksville, MO
  • Northeast, MO